
Listening with Empathy

Empathy is the heart of a person who is able to be genuine to others. While this may be difficult for some it is a necessity for most communication in our life.

Meeting some one for the first time you realize that they are genuine or either distracted, nervous, pushy, or down right not it touch with reality.

Went to the store and was approached by the sales woman and found her to be genuine and was not trying to sell us something. Other times I found that she really listened to what my needs were and made herself available to serve me the best way she could. But, I have found one or two that are just down right finding ways to try to make me buy their product. Well, I didn't like it and I never shopped there again.

Why is this? Well, they may have forgotten to get in touch with themselves. Having one's full attention of what is happening at the present time is good but, what about the heart felt things that are not being expressed? Maybe their just thinking about that quota that has to be made. Could be just lack of having a positive feeling for themselves. Or worst problems at home.

We've all had some comment, feeling that were just making us uncomfortable as well as our client. This could be fatal if not curtailed in some healthy form.

"That outfit is weird" "I never act like that person" things we think need time for release but, when? Well, while your laughing at your client, friend, child etc... they maybe able to sense your inability to be genuine and friendly.

These things need to be released but, at a more appropriate time so that they blend in with what is happening. This way you have released in a evasive manner.

Empathy-Identification with and understanding of anther's situation, feelings, and motives. See Synonyms at pity.
2. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.

a model/mentor A Lincolnesque leader is confident enough to be humble -- to not feel the need to bluster or dominate, but to be sufficiently sure of one's own judgment and self-worth to really listen and not be threatened by contrary advice."

If your in sales, service for a living and you feel you haven't reach your full potential or just need to improve your relationships. I recommend reading the book Listening with Empathy.

Inside you'll find some short tips on preparing your self for the client and to be genuine about your sales and have your clients come back or recommend you. And that's good business. This has been the most developed book on listening skills that I have found as yet. Look into the coaching site for more support

I do not work for this organization nor do I get paid by them.

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