
Tell a Gal Pal about domestic violence. Let’s face it together.

Domestic violence touches millions – more than seven out of 10 Americans know someone who is or has been a victim – but somehow it still remains a taboo subject.

The Allstate Foundation is asking everyone to Tell a Gal Pal about domestic violence so we can face the issue together during October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month – and beyond.

Just the other day I was subjected to more abuse from my ex-husband. While we constantly are healing our; thoughts, emotions and breaking patterns so, we may get to being at peace with ourselves and to a better place in our lives.

While dating if I only knew all the warring signs that I now posses my decision would have been stronger, different and walking away sooner. What I learned on my own was that God gave divorce to women so, we don't have to be abused. Then I got my divorce. I have looked back at such a terrible man he was and ask myself how could I have brought such a person into my home? I ask my child to forgive me.

The impact on children is harsh because they are just so impressionable. With the knowledge I received I can know help us in getting the negative thoughts or poor opinions out of our life,Thank you for not letting the cycle happen again.

Having support from others is the utmost important, because most friends, family leave the victim not out of hatred but, suffering. Giving your friend, or family member time, education, and money is a gift. It not only helps saves life's but, the future of those around who also have the impact of the violence.

Pledge to Tell a Gal Pal and Help Raise Money to Support Domestic Violence Survivors
We also ask that you get involved by joining the Tell a Gal Pal movement on Facebook and encouraging your readers and followers to do the same to help raise money to support domestic violence survivors. Tell a Gal Pal and share this information with your blog readers and Twitter followers!
For each person who “likes” the Click To Empower! Facebook page, The Allstate Foundation will donate $1 to the National Network to End Domestic Violence (up to $20,000). Click here to go to the Facebook page.
The Allstate Foundation will donate another $1 if you take the pledge to Tell a Gal Pal about domestic violence. As part of the pledge, your photo will be added to the “Faces of Support” gallery to show survivors that they aren’t facing domestic violence alone.
Help us reach our goal of raising $20,000. Tell a Gal Pal to join the movement on Facebook.

Let’s face domestic violence together – Tell a Gal Pal to:
Talk openly about domestic violence. Tell your Gal Pals – whether it’s your best friend, sister, mother, daughter, niece, cousin or neighbor – to face domestic violence, share their opinions and experiences and show support for survivors.
Speak out against domestic violence when you see it. Call the police or National Domestic Violence Hotline to report domestic violence in your community – you could help save a life.
Visit Click for easy ways start the conversation, check out resources for survivors or read inspirational survivor stories.
You can also show your support for domestic violence survivors by volunteering at or donating items to your local domestic violence shelter. Contact your state domestic violence coalition for more information. Click here for a complete list of state coalitions.

Financial Independence for Survivors
Domestic violence impacts the lives of women and their families. The Allstate Foundation supports survivors through resources targeted to build financial independence and educates the public on how hard it is for people to leave an abusive relationship without economic resources.

I wrote this blog post while participating in The Allstate Foundation’s Tell a Gal Pal blogging program with TwitterMoms, making me eligible to get an interview with Cheryl Burke. For more information on how you can participate, click here

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