
What most appeals to you in relocating?

Before talking it over with your children, which might be your first choice. Take them to the city park and see if they meet people they like. Do they enjoy the area as much as you do? Are the schools there good? If your children like it then you have a opening for such a move.

Or perhaps there's another area that would be suitable with a great school system. If you can't imagine doing some research on your own, finding a place for your family to live. There's help you can ask your family, friends and neighbors on suitable places to live. Maybe finding a place where a group of you could move together.

What are your interests; entertainment, sports, beaches, nature, city. Where do you see your self in next ten years? What do you see your self doing or want to be doing? Give your self easy access and move closer to the entertainment you enjoy. A college community if your looking to continue education.

Are there employment opportunities that match my skills and income needs? Many towns only employ service workers with relatively low skills, and pay them a low wage, or are dominated by narrowly focused industries such as agriculture or mining, or new businesses moving in are highly targeted and require specific skills such as software development.

Are there the educational and cultural activities for you and your children? Are the schools systems to be superior to the ones your children involved in? Will your children mix well with the locals? Does the town have sufficient sports, recreations activities or cultural activities for the weekends? Are you close by to summer camps?

Are you sure your not going to get board? What is in the development for the future of the town. Check in city planning to see what the plans are for jobs, education, to see if there is an interest in the towns plans. Will growth destroy my idyllic new home?

I recommend Harry S. Dent book but, I am not affiliated or do I work for the organization.

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