
Be Smart About Your Health: Benefits Planning Made Simple

Health Benefits in 60 minutes or Less
This fall is Open Enrollment it's the opportunity to take a look at your spending for the up coming year. To live a frugal life one must get through the paper work of their health care provider. With Twittermoms and Aetna gives people the tools and “know-how” to save time and money while making the best health decisions during Open Enrollment and throughout the year.

Here's five things to do;
1. Prioritize - what are your families needs for future health care. The Health Benefits Priorities tool will direct you to a plan that meets your needs. Kids are every changing and so is our health care.
Have you thought about putting pre-tax dollars into a flexible spending account. FSA gives you money to spend on some health expenses and can save you money.
2. Calculate - take last years expenses and find an online service where all doctors visits and prescriptions can be seen as total expenses. Expert advice from the Financial Planning Association® on how to best manage health care spending. Could you change to online visits? Do you use generic prescription drugs?
3. Predict - What types of visits do you see forthcoming in the next year. Are you pregnant, what will it cost to deliver and then child care expenses. For respectable and credible information Aetna InteliHealth®
4. Compare - A Personal Health Record(PHR) stores health-related information in a password-protected online record. The at-a-glance record helps you play a more active role in your health care — and may even save you time and money. A Physicians network is where you can check online list of physicians who have a set negotiated services for a health care provider.
5. Power hour essentials -don’t put it off
• Save receipts. File FSA expenses right away!
• Use in-network resources like doctor finders and preferred drug lists.
• Use online tools like treatment cost estimators and personal health records.

Many providers are also going green and taking into the consideration that consumers are now looking for ways to save time and money. Over 70% of Americans are now looking at their health care where as making a healthy meal. Going to the dentist for a cleaning. Taking a yoga class was all they needed to do to boast their health care program.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Aetna blogging program, making me eligible to get a $30 Target gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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